SSR Board Meeting Minutes

SRR Board Meeting Minutes (11-18-24)

Board Members Present: David Freeze, Steve Clark, Luann Fesperman, Amanda Lewis, Tisha Corriher, Connie Hoffner, Teresa Shaw, Brittany Chester, Jason Oliphant.

Welcome: David welcomed everyone at 5:50p. New board members Brittany Chester and Jason Oliphant were welcomed.

Financial Report: Luann reported that balance on hand as of October 31, 2024 is $23,083.03. Total income for October is $4,293.00 and total expenses were $2458.97.

Membership Report: Tisha reported that there 183 members with 14 expired and 169 current.

Upcoming races:

Butterball 5K-The Forum, Thanksgiving Day, November 23 at 8:30a. Registration is underway.

Freeze Your Buns 5K/Fun Run—Spencer- December 7 at 1p.

Santa Run 5K/Fun Run (SRR event)—Millbridge/Ruritan—December 14 at 9a.

Resolution Run 5K (SRR event)—The Forum—January 1 at 9a.

Winter Flight 8K/5K/Fun Run (SRR event)—Catawba College—February 2 at 2p.

Will Run for Food 5K/Fun Run—Centenary Church—February 22 at 10a.

Old Business:

2025 Bibs-Have about 500 on hand. Will reorder another annual order after Resolution Run.

Winter Flight State Championship 8K bid-David will apply again for 2025.

SRR insurance for 2025-Process starts now. Tisha and David to work on this.

SRR is going to complete 29 races for 2024.

Winter Flight 2025:

Sponsorship update: Board members reported on progress.

Logo from Meredith Abramson: Design in process. Hoodie in process (Gear for Races options)

RHM-Community outreach staff member to work on volunteers.

Parking/Traffic: Steve to contact Patrick Smith about support from the Police Department.

Permit: Permit has been applied for.

Annual meeting—February 1. Teresa & Connie will assist in coordination including set up including tables/chairs, decorations, handouts, race bags, schedules, David already has confirmed caterer Debbie Suggs. Steve reserved City Park building. David discussed options for speaker and will work on finalizing one.

New Business:

Amanda asked for assistance with results. Teresa volunteered to assist.

Next meeting—December 16 at IHOP at 5:45p.

Adjourn: Meeting adjourned by David at 7:10p.

Upcoming Calendar Events

Events in December 2024

  • - Freeze Your Buns 5K
    Freeze Your Buns 5K
  • - Santa Run for Hunger 5K
    Santa Run for Hunger 5K
